Circus Stories: A Circus History Podcast
The good, the bad, the unbelievable stories of circus history spanning centuries and all the way to present day marvels. Each month we deep dive into topics like, "How and WHY do Clowns paint their faces", "Who was the first ever Human Cannonball act", "What are common Circus Superstitions" and so much more! Join host and generational circus photographer Callie B, as she shares various stories from circus history with her pal / co-host Mark. Complete with decoded circus lingo, fun circus facts, and circus stories from Callie B's own family. Theme song by The Cooties.
Circus Stories: A Circus History Podcast
JoJo + Lionel; The Dog Faced Boy & The Lion Faced Man
We explore these two very famous faces from Barnum's illustrious sideshow and the condition the two share known as "werewolf syndrome" . JoJo the Dog Faced boy and Lionel the Lion Faced man were much more than performers and though often mistaken for the other, these two men lived and performed very differently. We discuss each of them separately, their specific condition, and what made them unique and impactful, resonating through circus history and pop culture still to this day.
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